Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vocabulary from the First Week at Conversation Club

1. food court- patio de comidas
2. to (not) have ones ducks in a row- no tiene los patitos en fila
3. news programs- noticeros
4. slave driver- someone who is very controlling and makes you do something even if you don't want to do it.
5. first and foremost- first and most importantly
6. it was smooth sailing- when something happened very easily
7. that would suck- if that happened, it would be unfortunate
8. skinny jeans- chupines
9. to transfer credits- hacer equivalencia
10. degree- titulo
11. My friend ditched me- Mi amiga me planto
12. To hang out with someone- to pass time with someone
13. to be flaky- to not be responsible

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